I love solving problems, building things and helping people. But I've realized, as I've gone through life, that most problems are people problems at their core. Great software is created by developers who feel happy, respected and focused. Software is at its best when users feel empowered and respected. I feel it is my duty to always strive to create great things, help people and try to push us towards a better world.

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👩🏻‍💻 Work experience

Software Engineer

Center for Advanced Public Safety (CAPS), Tuscaloosa, Alabama - July 2017 - Present

Full-Stack Web Development, Product Architecture and Project Management with duties split between coding and client relations.

It is my responsibility to get the software written in a timely manner, mitigate risk by minimizing scope creep while ensuring client satisfaction.


King&King Enterprises LLC., Birmingham, Alabama – April 2013 - Oct 2016

Bitcoin Mining Operation