Here’s our database of all available diversity data (in a startup context) - it is and will always be accessible and available for everyone in our community. Every data point is accompanied by a source link for further reading. Enjoy!

If you come across any diversity-related data that is not yet included, please share it with us in an email to [email protected].

<aside> 💡 Disclaimer: The diversity data here is a bit like finding treasures in a vast sea - some parts are well-charted, others not so much. Keep in mind there might be gaps, like missing puzzle pieces. So, do your own research and enjoy the insights we've found.


Click on each toggle (▶︎) to unfold the wisdom.

Ethnicity 💜

Gender 💛

Investments 💸

Investors 💰

Denmark/Aarhus 🇩🇰

Board members 🪑

Strong quotes 🎤


<aside> 💡 As we acknowledge the gaps in our data, this document stands as a starting point for understanding the significance of diversity. We hope it encourages continued discussions and new initiatives in the startup ecosystem.

