Welcome to The Link’s toolbox of corporate-startup collaboration related tools! Here you can find materials like does and don’t’s, explanations of collaboration models, a small dictionary (both corporate- and startup language can be difficult to understand!), and experiences shared by corporates and startups.

If there is any infos you miss in the toolbox or have any kind of feedback, please send an email to [email protected].

Click on each toggle (▶︎) to unfold the wisdom.

Benefits of corporate-startup collaboration 🏆

Collaboration approaches ⚙️

Does ✅  AND dont's ❌

Dictionary 📕

<aside> 💡 As we acknowledge the huge amount of possible tools, infos and reports that could be added, this document should not be seen as the single truth, but will be updated regular with relevant materials. We hope it encourages continued collaboration efforts between corporates and startups.


