Everyone types and prints out a "usually private" experience on a standard sheet of white paper (examples for younger players: being bullied, trouble with friends, worries about family life // examples for adult players: sexual fantasies, insecurities around social status, deep regrets). The papers are collected and anonymously numbered, with the number being privately given to each person. Everyone sits in a circle. The papers are placed in the middle of the circle, and everyone takes one that is not their own.

Everyone quietly reads the paper they picked up. Then one person begins by reading their paper out loud to the person to the left, acting as though they were confessing something to a friend for the first time. After the reading is finished, the listener says, "Thank You", and anyone else in the circle can share things that resonated with them. NO ONE SHARES CRITICISMS OR THINGS THEY DID NOT LIKE! The listener then becomes the reader, and we continue until we have completed the circle.