To ease development between JavaScript-based projects across teams, we recommend installing a command-line tool like [nvm](<>) to enable fluid Node JS version management between different development environments on-the-fly. This document outlines the basic steps required to getting started with nvm.

  1. Follow steps to install nvm for your specific desktop environment.
  2. Add deeper integration to your preferred shell (examples for zsh, fish, and bash are available out-of-the-box).
    1. By deeply integrating nvm with your shell, your terminal will be able to detect .nvmrc files and automatically switch Node JS versions for you as you traverse the filesystem.
  3. Now, you can add .nvmrc files at the root of any project directory to enforce a specific Node version or range of versions. Assigning your current local Node JS version is as simple as: node -v > .nvmrc (see more examples)