
Spinnaker is the code name for the next major version of Skore. Spinnaker brings many additional features to Skore.

Processes in the “legacy” version of Skore will continue to be editable and viewable at least until end 2022.

The migration tool helps you migrate existing content to Spinnaker to make it easy to benefit the new features. That said, for a “perfect” migration, manual review & adjustments are required.

This guide is for workspace administrators to understand the steps to perform


The migration tool helps doing the “heavy lifting”, but a manual review of the migrated processes is highly recommended.

What is new in Skore “Spinnaker” ?

Spinnaker is the code name of the latest major release of Skore.

See this document.

What is migrated ?


in Spinnaker processes look the same, but, there has been a major transformation under the hood on how all the content is saved and managed, which was the pre-requisite to unlock all the goodness of Spinnaker.

This is the main migration step required.

Texts & Links to other processes

Moving away from markdown to a full text editor.


Post migration step recommended

When migrating to Spinnaker, roles containing the following will be automatically converted to a system : [SYS] (sys) or those with the following icons : gear or gears


Post migration step recommended

Diagram templates

Post migration step required

From xml based templates that are imported once per process, to a true, “active” template manage centrally


Post migration step required

From definition per process to a centrally manage stylesheet that can be managed (created, updated) for the workspace


From XML-based form to a more strictly managed format

Custom field

From per-process definition to centrally managed custom fields