<aside> 🌳 These Notes are not intended to depict a complete representation of the content of the book. They are simply a collection of the sentences and concepts that resonated the most with me.


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Part 1 — Speaking Personally

Chapter 1 | "This is Me"

This chapter begins with the author telling a bit about his story. It then continues with a list of some learnings Rogers found significant for himself during his life and practice as a psychotherapist. Below are some of those learnings that I found the most resonating.

In my relationships with persons I have found that it does not help, in the long run, to act as though I were something that I am not.

I find I am more effective when I can listen acceptantly to myself, and can be myself.

I have found it of enormous value when I can permit myself to understand another person.

I have found it highly rewarding when I can accept another person.

The more I am open to the realities in me and in the other person, the less do I find myself wishing to rush in to "fix things".

One of the basic things which I was a long time in realizing, and which I am still learning, is that when an activity feels as though it is valuable or worth doing, it is worth doing.

Very closely related to this learning is a corollary that, evaluation by others is not a guide for me.