A full body warm up routine to get the body and mind optimally ready for a resistance training session. This routine is composed of a non-mandatory aerobic phase of 5 to 10 minutes (free choice); a mobility-enhancing phase aimed at increasing the range of motion of muscles and joints, and a final pyramid-style specific warm up before the first exercise.

This routine is a complementary document of the article "Everything You Need to Know About Warm Up" from simonesmerilli.com, and its purpose is to show a practical application of the warm up principles treated in the article, as well as gather what I consider valuable resources to learn more about warming up.

Phase 1 → Aerobic Warm Up

The first part of a complete warm up routine consists of raising body temperature by doing some type of cardiovascular activity, at a low, steady state intensity. This can be a walk/light run on the treadmill (or outdoor), jumping the rope, rowing (rower machine), stair master, elliptical, stationary bike.


5 to 10 minutes depending on your choice


Non-Essential (i.e. can be skipped if necessary)

Phase 2 → Mobility Drills

The second part of a complete warm up routine consists of performing active mobility drills (e.g. leg swings, Crucifix, hip openers), with the aim of increasing range of motion in order to prepare the body to perform optimally during the main training session.

This is a flow: the exercises listed are to be performed back to back, for one total round. This means that once you have done all the repetitions of the first movement, you directly move into the next, in a Yoga-style flow.

MOVEMENT (link to demonstration)

Crucifix (with or without stick)

Lying prone twists

Upward facing dog into Downward facing dog

Low lunge and twist

Cat cow

Standing torso rotations

Bent over Ys & Ws raises

Ido Portal Pre Squat Routine


5 each side

5 each side

repeat twice

5 each side


20 each side


as shown in demonstration video, based on movement


~10 minutes



Phase 3 → Exercise Specific Pyramid

The last phase of a warm up routine takes place right before beginning the first exercise of the resistance training bout (usually a compound movement), and it involves performing some repetitions in a pyramid fashion, by increasing the weight at every warm up set until reaching the working weight for the exercise. This is because beginning an exercise directly with the working weight is not a wise choice: this increases the risk of injury, and the muscles and movement pattern are not properly fine-tuned, which can lead to poor performance, particularly in the first few sets.