<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/10ce5b10-e12c-4cef-8f05-56eb0c0bade2/interface.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/10ce5b10-e12c-4cef-8f05-56eb0c0bade2/interface.png" width="40px" /> Hello! Welcome to a guide to graphic design for non-designers and beginners. It consists of curated design resources I've found throughout my career as a creative professional, laid out in a way that emphasizes design fundamentals before design tools.


Learn Design Fundamentals

Start here to learn how to think like a designer & to learn about design elements, principles, and possible focus areas.

Design Tool Recommendations

This is a collection of free tools you can use for creating your own designs. It also includes repositories of even more tools!

Finding Design Inspiration

A list of blogs & online publications for inspiration, as well as where to find design inspo on social media.

Additional Design Reading

If you're looking for additional reading, this list of books is a good jumping off point.

About this Project

<aside> 💬 Let me know if you'd like to suggest an addition to this project!
