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//to create a simple and minimalist todo list , that does not distract and does its job

Problem Statement (Concept)

Simpl aims to create a simple and distraction-free to-do list website, catering to individuals who appreciate minimalism and seek an uncluttered task management experience.

Role : ux and development


In the user research phase, I conducted interviews with numerous individuals to gather insights about their use of to-do apps. I inquired whether they use a to-do app, and if so, which specific app they use. Additionally, I sought their opinions on the most loved and disliked aspects of the product they use.

Competitors Analysis

Problem 1 : Complexity

Existing to-do list websites often overwhelm users with a multitude of features, making the onboarding process difficult and time-consuming.

Problem 2 : Lack of Quality Desktop Options

Many to-do list websites primarily focus on mobile or lack a robust desktop experience, limiting the usability and functionality for users who prefer working on a larger screen.