Dear Sighs,

I am sure you will have no difficulty understanding the depth of my words, no matter what language they are spoken in, because you yourself transcend all languages. I am simply writing to say - thank you.

Do you remember last night when you came to me? You greeted me right as my head met the pillow. Thank you for punctuating my day with such relief.

Do you recall the numerous times my mind played tricks on me? You came to say hello and remind me of the ground beneath my feet. Thank you.

Oh and each time I lose my temper and you have to come calm me down. My relationships, friendships, and I thank you for that. All those times I didn’t have the right words, you filled the silence with promise.

Or when I have way too many words and can see the listener’s eyes glazing over. You come and help me pause, re-orient, get back on track.

Thank you.

I marvel at how effortlessly you move from one language to another, from one body to another. Understanding, inhabiting, and reflecting multiple meanings. I suspect most poets wished their words did the same.

I am awed at your mystery; how you could mean a number of things. You do know how to make a statement and yet keep ‘em guessing. I suspect many lovers wished they could flirt like that.

We have so much to learn from you, yet we could never truly be you.

You’re so fluid in your meaning, yet so grounding in your presence. I would want to be like you when I grow up but I am glad I don’t need to. For I’ll always have you around.

With joyous sighs, Shreya