1. Basic Prioritization Framework: Value vs Effort T-shirt Size

Project Name Value Effort
Category Definitions Values Comments
Value What is the level of value each customer or user will receive? XL, L, M, S
Effort What is the level of work necessary to complete this project? XL, L, M, S

2a. Intermediate Prioritization Framework: RICE using Numbers

Project Name Reach Impact Effort Confidence Prioritization Score
Category Definitions Values Comments
Reach How many customers or users will this project make better? Positive, numerical
Impact What is the level of value each customer or user will receive? 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Use whole numbers, 5 is highest
Effort What is the level of effort to complete this project? 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Use whole numbers, 5 is highest
Confidence What is your confidence level in your estimates for Reach, Impact, and Effort? 1 - 0 Be conservative and use the lowest confidence level, 1 is 100% confident
Prioritization Score Calculation
(Reach * Impact * Confidence ) / Effort Numerical Rank order after all results, larger score is better

2b. Intermediate Prioritization Framework: RICE with Ranked Problem Statements

Problem Statement / Initiative Area Problem Ranking Project Name Reach Impact Effort Confidence Prioritization Score
Category Definitions Values Comments
Problem Statement / Initiative Area What is the problem the project is trying to solve? Text
Problem Ranking What is the order of importance of the problem? Numerical 1 is the highest rank order

3. Advanced Prioritization Framework: Mandatory vs. Optional Prioritization


Project Name Hard Commitment Date Why This Date Effort