Innovation is not some sort of magic!

I walkthrough step-by-step systems to unleash your team’s creativity to arrive at innovative solutions. Everything from defining your brand to product design. I’ve done this for some of the best locally and globally.☎️&boxYpos=2&boxXpos=1&boxBlur=0&boxSpread=0&boxColor=rgb(15+15+15+%2F+10%25)&px=23&py=9

<aside> 👇 I’ve run Design Sprints at some of the best companies


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Build better products, faster

Build better products, faster by systematising innovation. These workshops compresses work that would usually take months into days. I cut the fat out of the standard design process and put a stop to the endless dead-end product discussions. Together we move forward quickly into something tangible.

User experience focused

User Experience is not a siloed practice. In order to collect knowledge, generate new ideas, and design solutions, it’s best to bring people together. Therefore this hands-on collaborative workshop provides goal-oriented group exercises, with each attendee being given chance participate and share insights.

Being able to understand and communicate the value of User Experience within your organisation or to any project improves the odds of building a product or service that users love.

🎯 Outcome

💰 Cost

🔤 Example Agenda