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Rendering Depthkit Studio assets to 3D-360 video from Unity


Though the immersive nature of 6DoF real-time experiences is unmatched, the audience of 3DoF 3D 360 video is far larger, thanks to a much lower barrier for entry. Using the new AVPro2 video player, it's now possible to render out a stereoscopic 360 version of your Unity project containing Depthkit Studio assets, allowing you to deliver both 6DoF and 3DoF versions from the same source project.


Preparing Depthkit Assets for Offline Rendering

The primary difference between real-time-ready assets and those for offline rendering is that the later is no longer bound by the performance optimizations needed for real-time playback, meaning you can use higher-resolution and higher-quality assets. Follow our asset encoding guide for best practices for high-quality assets.

Unity Set Up