
Understand the best workflow for training these embeddings at scale

Create Embedded Vector Solutions

Qdrant + Classification Network(both)


Qdrant is a vector search engine that lets you fine-tune the various similarity search models for your specific use case. It’s super scalable in production with features like indexing. We then train a classification network and extract the embeddings from the network. From there just fine-tune. We used fine-tuning to take our sku matching tool from around 40% accurate to mid 90s.



https://sbert.net/ - Sentence transformers will be used for text based embedded vectors


We can also leverage a pretrained classification model for metric learning to extract embeddings https://github.com/christiansafka/img2vec

Marqo + Classification Network(both)


Marqo is a vector search engine that lets you fine-tune the various similarity search models for your specific use case. It’s super scalable in production with features like indexing. We then train a classification network and extract the embeddings from the network. From there just fine-tune. They have options for handling your deployment and cloud for you similar to pinecone


https://sbert.net/ - Sentence transformers will be used for text based embedded vectors