Yang Song의 논문. 여러 Diffusion models의 논문들에 언급이 되기 때문에, 이의 원리를 아는 것은 중요할 것이라 생각하여 이 논문을 골랐습니다. 다른 이론적인 논문들을 읽어도 이 논문은 항상 언급되어 이해하는 것이 필요하다고 생각합니다.

Yang Song은 이후에도 CSDI: Conditional Score-based Diffusion Models for Probabilistic Time Series Imputation, Score-Based Generative Classifiers, Score-Based Generative Modeling through Stochastic Differential Equations, Maximum Likelihood Training of Score-Based Diffusion Models, How to Train Your Energy-Based Models, Learning Energy-Based Models by Diffusion Recovery Likelihood, Training deep energy-based models with f-divergence minimization 등등 매우 많은 논문을 Diffusion Model (+ Score based)과 관련지어 냈습니다.

Langevin dynamics using gradients of the data estimated with score matching을 진행함.


Generative models : GAN (use f-divergence or integral prob metrics (WGAN), phi-divergence) vs likelihood based methods (NICE (flow), VAE, PixelRNN)

“New Principle for generative modeling based on estimating and sampling from Stein score``

Nerual network trained with Score matching (to learn vector field from data) → produce samples using Langevin dynamics (works by gradually moving a random initial sample to high density regions along the (estimated) vector field of scores)

Challenges with this approach

How can overcome?

Desirable Properties