About this page

This was created as a depository for resources and referrals in relation to promoting equality, diversity & inclusion in São Paulo, Brazil.

Our mission is to increase the visibility of our equality, diversity & inclusion allies—their products, services, and history—sharing their knowledge and experience in an effort to provide a better future for us all.

Contact Us

If you have or know of a business or resource not listed here that's relevant to the broader São Paulo equality, diversity & inclusion community, please use this form to submit your recommendation.

*“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.”

<aside> 💡 Equality, diversity & inclusion refers to underrepresented and marginalized peoples.


💲 Business Recommendation

This list contains businesses, large and small, in a variety of industries. If you know of a business that should be on this list, submit your recommendation.

Untitled Database

🎉 Resources

This list contains helpful resources, including networking groups, non-profit organizations, or opportunities for funding. Submit additional resources to be added using this form.

Organizations to help

📚 Read

This list contains books and other texts related to equality, diversity & inclusion. Many reads on this list are to broaden general education and understanding. Have a good read to recommend? Submit your addition.

Things to read

🎞 Watch

This list contains movies, documentaries, and other videos worth watching. They may be produced/directed by diverse peoples, relate to diverse history, or offer general diversity insight. This is by no means complete, and we'd welcome additional entries.

Things to watch