This is Chojin Sentai Jetman, a Super Sentai series from the 90s that follows the last one I watched, Chikyu Sentai Fiveman. This one, in comparison to that, is about on par and excels in different ways. The main difference is that this one has a cast that actually allows for love triangle type drama – Fiveman’s gimmick was that they were all siblings so that wasn’t exactly possible in the same way. Here, that kind of thing drives the show, with the most memorable element being the triangle of Gai, the rogue, being attracted to Kaori Rokumeikan, the rich girl, who in turn was attracted to Ryu, the red ranger, who was attracted to a girl who died and was turned into one of the villains of the show. I wouldn’t describe it as anything ground-breaking, but It’s entertaining enough. The cast of villains I generally thought was stronger and cooler than Fiveman. I think these ones’ designs are inspired by Zeiram (although I’ll know better once I finally get around to watching that movie) – or rather, now that I look up the dates, I thought that, but Zeiram came out later the same year that this debuted! So I guess not! In any case, they’re a pretty cool bunch of designs, and for me the one who steels the show is Grey, the antihero sorta robot who’s constantly depicted drinking alcohol or smoking, which are cool things for a robot to do. A drawback vs. Fiveman though is that this show definitely isn’t as strong in the department of zany episode gimmicks and that kind of thing. There isn’t anything as silly and fun as the puppets in that show. There are definitely some standouts, like the Cup Ramen monster or the Tomato monster, or the gambling standoff with Grey, and I like the formula that happens for a while of ordinary objects being transformed into monsters of the week in a Cronenberg sort of way. But for the most part the formula is generally a touch more serious and sedate than in Fiveman I would say. And my #1 gripe with the show is that despite 鳥人 being in the name, the bird gimmick doesn’t factor in much at all! I was hoping that there’d be some juicy stuff for the bird nerds out there in all our lives, but alas – it’s pretty much just code names, and they’re all just jet fighters or whatever. Oh well. Fun show but ultimately I probably wouldn’t end up thinking of it as a particular standout in the Super Sentai series. I watched this without subtitles of any kind while exercising and did fine. Lately I’ve been going with a pattern of watching only one episode of a show per day instead of focusing on one at a time and doing two episodes. I think it’s working well, although I have to keep refocusing into making a daily habit out of it.