This is Stray Cat Rock: Wild Jumbo, the second of the Stray Cat Rock movies, and I would call it an odd directionless little movie for an odd directionless little group of protagonists. Not having anything as far as I can tell with the plot of the first Stray Cat Rock (except it seems like Akiko Wada is included briefly as purely stock footage?), this one involves a group of early 1970s misfits kind of hanging around until they work up the idea for a heist that you may be surprised to learn doesn’t go to plan. I kinda like it a lot – a lot of it is them fucking around, and even as they do definitely bad things I think the rebellious vibe is enough to keep me along for the ride.

I watched this without subtitles and I would describe it as one of those ones where I looked up what happened afterward and didn’t learn anything surprising so I guess I did all right.