This is Gamera: Super Monster, and it’s definitely bittersweet as the last of the Noriaki Yuasa-directed Gamera movies, clearly made amidst Daiei’s turbulent ongoing financial troubles because it feels like it’s over half stock footage by weight. … but I confess I’m completely charmed by it! I just kind of love this movie! Even though again – it is mostly movies you have already seen before. Partly that’s because I don’t really mind Gamera stock footage because I simply like looking at Gamera and am happy when Gamera is on my television screen. But the stuff around the stock footage is fun too, with the star of the movie 100% being professional wrestler Mach Fumiake. She’s so cool!! If you’re going to make a movie that’s mostly stock footage, 100% get a super cool women’s professional wrestler to star! And the whole cast being women except for the gamera nerd kid is kind of cool too? Speaking of the kid he’s got this big wild chrome synthesizer he composes gamera songs on. What a cool kid. Would that we were all that cool growing up. Most of the plot, such as it is, involves the bad alien hassling the kid about how Gamera’s definitely going to lose and that being a sign that she’s a bad alien because everyone good loves Gamera and knows he will win. I agree with this and it should be the morality system we all follow. We get a little bit of a fight scene and some redemptive regrets from the bad alien lady, but honestly otherwise I remember little of a climax – I think there was a spaceship? But most of the action is really in the stock footage from the past Gamera movies. Anyway this is a perfect weird little encapsulation of the charm of these very sweet but very scrappy movies from a rapidly dying studio. I’m sad to see this era of Gamera movies end, since it really feels like there should be an infinite supply of Yuasa-directed Gamera movies out there in the world somewhere. But I’ve heard really really positive things about the Gamera revival trilogy, so I look forward to getting to that soon.