🐛 Bug Reports

👋 Team Feedback

🔴 Browser Tests

🤷 Code Reviews

😱 UI Elements

Bug Reports 🐛

Bug reports are better with Replay. Simply record the bug, add point-in-time comments, and share with your team. Your team will be able to view the replay in any browser and debug it directly. The best part is they won't need to reproduce the bug locally, just to see it, and debug it. And once they see it, they won't be able to claim it "works for me" and erroneously close it 😜


Team Feedback 👋

Replays are the easiest was to see what team members think of a new feature, see if others have seen that bug before, or just ask others if they know how some function works... Because when others view the replay, they can leave a comment at any point in time, element in the UI, API call, line of code, or really anything else, the conversation can be about just anything. And because it's easy for others to check it out, there's basically no context switching needed.


Code Reviews 🤷