Priya is my name, and I am an Indian citizen. My dream of studying in Australia was realized a few years ago. I never imagined how significant this tour would become in my life. There, I ran into James, a former classmate of mine. He was well-known at school for being an erratic student. He never returns to school after a vacation. He was eager to make new friends at our school, but not with me. These people, in my opinion, simply take advantage of others. But one incident caused me to fall in love with him, and I eventually married him.

I saw him handing out money and gifts to deserving people outside the school. It's difficult for me to believe that someone who was known for breaking the rules now has such compassion for the poor. I decided to approach him to find out why he had changed so drastically as a person. He paused to respond to my question before explaining the full reason for the change in behavior. What he said at the time is still fresh in my mind.

"I come from a poor family, and today's culture does not accept poor people," he claimed. It believes that all people, regardless of wealth or poverty, are entitled to equal treatment. He works after school and earns money in order to help the less fortunate.

His kindness warmed my heart, and I immediately purposed to him; he accepted it later. We travel to India after the wedding to visit family, and he encounters a custom he was not aware of. My sisters performed the "Juta Chupai" rite (shoe stolen).

They stole his one shoe while he was sleeping, as is customary. When my husband stood up, he discovered one shoe missing and began screaming that his shoe had been stolen. He was walking around town in only one shoe, while I ignored him the entire day.

Everyone mocked him, and when my mother finally revealed the truth to him, he paid 50,000 rupees for a ritual.

He also expresses some resentment toward me, but eventually becomes happy. We currently have three children, and I am confident that my husband is the best possible father for my children. When he's around, I always feel pampered and loved, and I appreciate everything he does for us. It is a relationship that is mutually exclusive and unconditional. On this day, I implore all women to show their husbands appreciation and make them feel special.