Let’s talk Regen Ledger Data module…

Problem Statement 🧐

What’s the problem?

Developers need a straightforward solution to interact with the Data Module, without understanding the underlying complexity of a Cosmos chain. The current documentation for the data module only focuses on high level concepts and the technical protobuf types. The data module has unique requirements such as canonicalization, hashing and signing that are barriers to adoption.

Nature-Based Proposal 📑

Our approach:

Cambium is developing an open source resolver service for the Regen Ledger data module. This resolver enables the data that supports ecological claims to be verified and attested to on-chain. We plan to release a minimum viable implementation with the launch of Regen Ledger 4.0.

This project will research existing tools and best practices for preparing data and interacting with the data module. The research will inform the development of a reference implementation that will curate and document best practices for the data module. This project will support the development of future interfaces to the data module that integrate existing land steward and field data collection tools with Regen Ledger.

Project Overview

Our strategy:

This project will facilitate the development of off-chain interfaces to the data module for existing data collection tools that already hold a vast amount of ecological data. Bringing this verifiable data on the ledger is critical to Regen Network’s ability to mint high quality ecological credits. The data these integrations will bring is crucial to the scaling and automation of ecocredits required to fulfill the mission of planetary regeneration.

Initially the team will research the existing data module architecture and existing tools and libraries that support hashing, signing and canonicalization of data for the data module. This will inform the development of a simple reference implementation capable of data preparation and storage on-chain. Optional subsequent development will create a web application that uses the reference implementation to interface with the data module and support off-chain signing and storage of data.

This project consists of research based goals because the data module is still under active development. This project has the unique opportunity to provide additional testing and validation of the data module before the module is finalized. Success will be defined by the project’s contributions to the data module and increased adoption by third party data collection platforms to Regen Ledger.

We plan to release a minimum viable implementation with the launch of Regen Ledger 4.0.

Organization 🌐

We are passionate developers building open source ag tech with OpenTEAM, Regen Network, FarmOS, and OurSci. We've collaborated with Regen Network since 2019.

Cambium comprises Paul Weidner and Will Gardiner. Paul and Will have extensive experience developing software projects in the open-source agriculture technology space and have worked with OpenTEAM since 2019. Prior to launching their Cambium mainnet validator, Paul and Will participated in the incentivized Regen testnets, won a Regen hackathon with their quadratic voting dapp, and Will co-launched the Akik Takat validator. Cambium is active in the Regen community, participating in community development calls, the Regen forum and Discord.