There are two primary options for calculating a protocol wide carbon footprint. All calculations consider flight miles, offices, virtual CPUs, physical data centers, and location-based emissions factors for validator operations.


Calculate the footprint specific to your protocol

This approach requires requesting all or a sampling of your validators and relayers to fill out the PoS Carbon Calculator. Read more about calculating a protocol footprint here.


Use CosmosZERO’s calculation

This calculation uses a “worst case scenario” carbon footprint* and multiplies it by the number of all active and inactive validators** on your chain + 1 relayer.

*The “worst case scenario” carbon footprint was established based on a sampling taken of Regen Network’s own validators. The largest validator operation of the set emitted 25 metric tons of carbon per year, according to the PoS Carbon Calculator with their data applied. This standard is used to avoid under-estimations.

**Under the assumption that even validators outside of the active set are running a node, all associated validators were used to calculate the overall protocol footprint.

<aside> 🌱 Read more about carbon footprint calculation methodologies used here.


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What is my protocol’s 2022 carbon footprint?

**Carbon footprints are in metric tons of carbon emitted/protocol/year.

<aside> 🚨 Don’t see your protocol on this list? Reach out to us to be added! Connect to us via email at [email protected], hit us up on Discord, or use #CosmosZeroHelp on Twitter and tag @RegenNetworkDev.


Protocol Carbon Footprints