Show a list of available Reflekt commands.

reflekt --help
Usage: reflekt [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  dbt   Build dbt package with sources, models, and docs based on...
  init  Create a Reflekt project at the provide directory.
  new   Create a new empty tracking plan using provided name.
  pull  Generate tracking plan as code using the Reflekt schema.
  push  Sync tracking plan to CDP or Analytics Governance tool.
  test  Test tracking plan schema for naming, data types, and metadata.

The --help flag can also be used with each Reflekt command. For example:

reflekt dbt --help
Usage: reflekt dbt [OPTIONS]

  Build dbt package with sources, models, and docs based on tracking plan.

  -n, --name TEXT       Tracking plan name in your Reflekt project.
  -e, --event TEXT      Name of a single event to be tested (in kebab-case).
  -s, --schema TEXT     Schema Reflekt will search to look for raw event
                        tables that match tracking plan events.  [required]
  --force-version TEXT  Force Reflekt to template the dbt package with a
                        specified semantic version.
  --skip-git            Skip prompts at the end of templating to create Git
                        commit and tag.
  --commit              The git commit Reflekt should add after templating.
                        Commit format = 'build: reflekt_<project_name>_<cdp>/m
  --tag                 The git tag Reflekt should add after templating. Tag
                        format =
  --help                Show this message and exit.