❌ ReFi Summer Cohort ended Sept 30th. See link in bio for latest info.

<aside> ☀️ This summer we are inviting top founders from across ReFi to self-organize into peer support circles for 10 weeks starting on July 25 and concluding on September 30 after Gitcoin GR15.

We believe that the best way to accelerate impact is to focus on the depth of relationships and quality of interactions amongst early-stage founders using web3 to address the most pressing challenges of our time.


🗒 This workspace will help you navigate the 10 weeks of this season.

🔖 Tip: Bookmark this in your browser for quick access!

Discover 🧐

Circles are small groups of highly committed ReFi founders that are led by experienced entrepreneurs. Circles exist to help founder’s make the most of this unique opportunity, build relationships and have fun! 🎉

Founders who have joined a Circle:

Founders in Circles

Circles that have been confirmed:

Circles Summer Cohort

Founders who are still looking for a Circle:

Founders Choosing Circles

Stewards who are here to support:

Max Caspar Pranav Khanna Daryl Edwards

What’s expected of founders 🤔

Show up every week ✅

Give first 🎁

Build in the open 🧱

Celebrate success! 🎊

Share & learn 👩🏽‍🏫

Have fun 🤣

Guiding principles 🌟

  1. Regeneration begins within 🧘🏽
  2. Regeneration for all 🌍
  3. Be fully present 👀
  4. Embrace uncertainty 🔮

Get involved 🏁


If you see a Circle you’d like to join: 👉🏽 Apply to join a Circle

If you want to propose a new Circle: 👉🏼 Propose a new Circle

Update: proposals will be considered for our next quarterly cohort