<aside> ↙️ Hi, Hello! My name is Sarah - the writer behind redgregory.com.


<aside> ⚡ Subscribe to the newsletter if you haven't already



<aside> ✂️ What are morning pages? The definition varies for every user, but essentially it is a time and place set aside every morning for free-writing. Some like to use their morning pages to write without prompts or guides. Others have a set of questions to answer about the day before or life in general.


Why Morning Pages?

Morning Pages Template

<aside> ✂️ If you want to create prompts, you can use templates in Notion to set them up. The following are questions that I loosely answer every morning. (You can duplicate this page to view or use the template)


I Launched A Premium Library In My Shop

<aside> ✂️ This is the first paid template I've properly promoted and I plan to launch many more this year. Here's some of my thoughts on launching this:


I ordinarily offer my templates for free as most of you probably know. I believe sharing knowledge is highly valuable even when the price is free. In addition to my free content I want to start putting a price on templates that are more complex, have more pages, relations, and/or advanced formulas (a.k.a large organized systems).


The Collect HQ in a nutshell:

Get the template here

Some Personal News