
Red: capture interval between last two entries
Blue: capture percentage increase between the most recent interval and the previous

Red: capture interval between last two entries Blue: capture percentage increase between the most recent interval and the previous

Views Calculator

Monthly Views

Last Interval

if(toNumber(replace(prop("Views"), ".*[,]", "")) - toNumber(replace(replace(prop("Views"), ",(?:.(?!,))+$", ""), ".*[,]", "")) >= 0, "+" + format(toNumber(replace(prop("Views"), ".*[,]", "")) - toNumber(replace(replace(prop("Views"), ",(?:.(?!,))+$", ""), ".*[,]", ""))) + " Views", format(toNumber(replace(prop("Views"), ".*[,]", "")) - toNumber(replace(replace(prop("Views"), ",(?:.(?!,))+$", ""), ".*[,]", ""))) + " Views")

Increase %

floor(1000 * (toNumber(replace(prop("Views"), ".*[,]", "")) - toNumber(replace(replace(prop("Views"), ",(?:.(?!,))+$", ""), ".*[,]", "")) - (toNumber(replace(replace(prop("Views"), ",(?:.(?!,))+$", ""), ".*[,]", "")) - toNumber(replace(replace(replace(prop("Views"), ",(?:.(?!,))+$", ""), ",(?:.(?!,))+$", ""), ".*[,]", "")))) / (toNumber(replace(replace(prop("Views"), ",(?:.(?!,))+$", ""), ".*[,]", "")) - toNumber(replace(replace(replace(prop("Views"), ",(?:.(?!,))+$", ""), ",(?:.(?!,))+$", ""), ".*[,]", "")))) / 1000