50% of all protocol revenues will head to a donor-advised fund (DAF), the Rari Foundation, facilitated by Endaoment. The Rari Foundation will be managed by the RGT holders who will decide where the capital is directed. They can choose which charity (501c3) that they would like to allocate towards. We expect to contribute millions into Endaoment over the next twelve months, allowing us to make a significant impact on the greater world.

The other 50% of the protocol’s revenues will be directed towards our weekly buyback & burn. The treasury will be liquidated and deployed as defined above. However, when governance is live, users may elect to modify the fee parameters.

Over the coming months, we will begin exploring how we can work to make these donations tax-advantaged on an individual depositor’s behalf. Additionally, we will be working on tools to allow users to switch increase their contributions to the DAF.