<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/2d643b21-bacc-4993-8193-a83429f7a18f/icon_lightblue_on_purple_small.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/2d643b21-bacc-4993-8193-a83429f7a18f/icon_lightblue_on_purple_small.png" width="40px" /> This template was created by Raisely.com Learn how to use UTM tracking on your fundraising campaigns.


How to use this Template

1. Make a copy of this template

Copy Template.png

2. List your common UTMs sources and mediums and add them to your UTM generator

Group 96.png

3. Fill in the blanks and let the UTM generator create and store all your tracked links

4. Share it with your team and follow the best practices!

UTM Best Practices

🔤 Use only lowercase words ➖ Use hyphens or underline to separate words 💨 Avoid long descriptions (be clear and concise)

💡 Use the table below to document the rules for creating new UTMs. That way your team will always be consistent when working with new tags.

Parameter Rule Examples
utm_source source-name facebook, google, blog
utm_medium medium-name email, social-media, partners
utm_campaign yyyy-mm-campaign-name 2021-12-eoy-appeal
utm_content short-description campaign-launch, puppy-ad, last-5-days
utm_term keyword1-keyword2 donate-for-kids, where-to-donate-this-christmas