What is Equanimity?


Having equanimity towards self means being self-aware and accepting of my reality. It involves acknowledging my thoughts and feelings without being pulled into them.


Having equanimity towards others means being aware and accepting of the reality of others. It involves acknowledging their thoughts and feelings without being pulled into them.


In other words: Don't lose my shit.

Equanimity Reflections


10 Days of Silence - My life-changing Vipassana journey

Finding awareness, equanimity, impermanence, and freedom.


A systematic approach to emotions

I have learned that my emotions are just a filter on reality, and that by understanding where emotions come from, I can better control my response to what triggers me.

(To be written)


What is truth? What is vessel?

Exploring spirituality, questioning what is truth, and finding guides along the way


The Dangers of Unconscious Filters and How to Remove Them

(To be written)