Welcome to the QuillAudits Affiliate Program!

Refer, Earn, Secure. Become a Quiffiliate!

As a fellow blockchain enthusiast, you might be excited to see how DeFi, NFT, and Blockchain Apps are impacting the world so rapidly and bringing new possibilities. Not only are we mutually participating in disrupting the traditional business processes, but also creating growth and business opportunities.


In recent times, DeFi & NFT projects are being subjected to an unprecedented scale of exploits.

<aside> 🚀 Audits have become very crucial to securing smart contracts considering in the last 6 months alone, more than 100 DeFi and smart contract exploits have occurred and a total of $700 million are lost.


For projects that are about to deploy their smart contracts or list their token on an exchange, a smart contract audit has become a must. It helps in preventing possible exploits that would lead to the loss of their funds and reputation.

Become a Quiffiliate!

Together, we can benefit many DeFi, NFT, and DAO projects by securing them with QuillAudits. Do you know a friend who might be in need of a Smart Contract Audit?

Introduce them to us and start earning attractive incentives. Simply contact us using the links provided below and let your friend know that you have referred them to us.

Telegram | Email | Twitter

Audits can be requested from any of the provided links OR by filling out this form: Audit Request.

Our 3 Tier System


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/4e88ec1f-99df-4bcb-84cf-b326ba1da946/QuillAudits_Vertical_Blue_l.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/4e88ec1f-99df-4bcb-84cf-b326ba1da946/QuillAudits_Vertical_Blue_l.png" width="40px" /> Earn a 10% commission for every successful referral.



<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/b78e54fc-d1fd-4556-9055-bed956acd938/QuillAudits_Vertical_Blue_l.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/b78e54fc-d1fd-4556-9055-bed956acd938/QuillAudits_Vertical_Blue_l.png" width="40px" /> Land us a partner and make an additional 5% commission on every new audit that any of your referrals undertake!
