<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/3fd73d51-141e-4df6-9ec6-643dd9024e62/ic_01_idea.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/3fd73d51-141e-4df6-9ec6-643dd9024e62/ic_01_idea.png" width="40px" /> Command Availability: Revit commands use standard IExternalCommandAvailability class to let Revit know if they are available in different contexts. For example, if a command needs to work on a set of elements, it can tell Revit to deactivate the button unless the user has selected one or more elements.


In pyRevit, command availability is set through the context key in bundle file. Currently, pyRevit support three types of command availability types.

# Tools are active even when there are no documents available/open in Revit
context: zero-doc

# Tool activates when at least one element is selected
context: selection

# Tool activates when all selected elements are of the given category, or categories
context: <category>

	- <category>
  - <category>

The selection and zero-doc contexts are pretty easy to follow

Select Element Category Context

If <category> starts with OST_ (e.g. OST_Doors), comparison will be made using BuiltInCategory. The builtin category names are language-agnostic, so your tool would follow the correct context, no matter what Revit language is being used. <category> can also be any of the standard Revit element categories. You can use the pyRevit → Spy → List Elements, to list the standard category names.

Here are a few examples:

# Tool activates when all selected elements are of the given category
context: Doors
context: Walls
context: Floors

context: OST_Doors

  - Space Tags
  - Spaces

Active Document Context

Bundle can also require a specific type of document to be active. Here are the available options

context: doc-project                    # bundle is active when the active document is a Project
context: doc-workshared                 # bundle is active when the active document is a Workshared Project
context: doc-cloud                      # bundle is active when the active document is a Cloud Project (Revit >=2019.1)
context: doc-family                     # bundle is active when the active document is a Family

Active View Context

Bundle can also require a specific type of active view to be active. Here are the available options

context: active-drafting-view           # bundle is active when the active view is a Drafting view
context: active-plan-view               # bundle is active when the active view is any Plan
context: active-floor-plan              # bundle is active when the active view is a Floor Plan
context: active-rcp-plan                # bundle is active when the active view is a Reflected Ceiling Plan
context: active-structural-plan         # bundle is active when the active view is a Structural Plan
context: active-area-plan               # bundle is active when the active view is an Area Plan
context: active-elevation-view          # bundle is active when the active view is an Elevation
context: active-section-view            # bundle is active when the active view is a Section
context: active-3d-view                 # bundle is active when the active view is a 3D view
context: active-sheet                   # bundle is active when the active view is a Sheet
context: active-legend                  # bundle is active when the active view is a Legend
context: active-schedule                # bundle is active when the active view is a Schedule

Finally, the various context types can be combined together for more complex contexts. Here are some examples

	- selection
	- active-section-view

	- walls
	- columns
	- active-plan-view

Advanced Contexts

You can define more specific context conditions using any, all, and exact conditions. You can also use not_any, not_all, and not_exact to reverse the condition. Here are a series of examples: