Push-Brand Guide Notion Cover.png

This page contains Logos and guidelines as how to use them. Please make sure you abide by these guidelines before using them. Mail to [email protected] if you need further assistance

These guidelines cover our brand assets, including but not limited to:

Download Push (prev. EPNS) Logo and Brand Assets

Media Kit (prev EPNS).zip

This ZIP file contains:

Notifications Live Screenshots

Chat Live Screenshots

What can you do ?

✅ You may :

Use the name “Push Protocol (prev. EPNS)” “Push (prev. EPNS)” in full in social media channels in a way that implies any official relationship to us. If you make a fan group, Twitter account etc., make it clear that it’s not official.

🚫 You may not :

Falsely claim or suggest any sort of official relationship, partnership, or other endorsement in any way.

If in doubt, reach out to [email protected]

Logo Guidelines