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Write in your style

AI-powered writing without AI-sounding language. Learn how to leverage Notion AI to edit your documents, get feedback, and improve your writing — all according to your own style guides.

Improve your docs with simple prompts

Notion AI helps you improve your documents quickly and efficiently with simple prompts. Whether you need to refine your writing, adjust the tone, or format your content, AI is here to assist. Here's how it works:

  • Highlight the text you want to edit and click the Face icon

  • Ask for improvements in style, tone, or format based on your needs

  • Keep chatting with Notion AI until you’re happy with the output

With AI-powered writing assistance just a click away from your actual writing work, Notion AI can help improve the quality and consistency of your copy and docs.

Try it out yourself
Rewrite this sentence to be more professional. 'Hey dude, check out this totally rad proposal.'

Re-write copy with workspace context

Notion AI helps you to quickly improve your documents by rewriting content to match specific guidelines or tones that are written down somewhere in your Notion workspace. When you mention pages in your Notion prompts, it keeps that information top of mind to give you a more precise output. To try it:

  • Highlight the text you want to edit and click the Face icon

  • Use the inline AI to prompt the revision, and be sure to at-mention the page where your style guide or other context lives

  • Review the AI-generated suggestions and accept the changes that best fit your needs

Other tools require you to create custom agents or chats to add custom instructions to your AI — by mentioning pages, you can skip that step entirely.

Pro-tip: This same functionality works to reformat content to match a specific template format. Try asking AI to “format this page like [@ page over here]” — you could use this to create a weekly status report, quickly write an article in a certain format, and more.

Translate your content

Prepare your documents for international audiences with one-click translations.

  • Use the inline AI option to select your content

  • Then, simply click the “Translate” button and select a language, or type the prompt: "Translate: Spanish" (or your desired language)

With Notion AI's translation feature, you can break down language barriers and reduce the work required to reach a global audience.

Try it out yourself
Translate this into Spanish: 'Hello, world!'

Start with a template

Browse over 10,000 templates in our template gallery