<aside> ⚠️ This documentation is outdated. Please use https://prismic.io/docs/technologies/nextjs instead.


Create and configure your next project with Slicemachine

<aside> 💡 Before you startTo use Slice Machine you will need to have at least version 12.16.1 of node installed on your machine. You can check this by running the node -v command in your terminal. If you need to update, we explain how here.


Install the latest version of the Prismic CLI. (Check you version by running prismic --version and compare it to the latest version released on npm) You can do that by running the following command:

npm install -g prismic-cli@beta

<aside> 💡 So wait…what’s Prismic? There’s every chance that you’ve made it this far without knowing what Prismic is. We’re slightly offended, but we’ll get over it.Prismic is a Headless CMS that offers unlimited custom types, API calls, and a bunch of other great things. You should really check it out.


Create your new next project

Create a new next project

npx create-next-app my-new-app && cd my-new-app

Run the Slice Machine Command

Now you can run the Slice Machine setup command to configure your project.

Type the prismic setup command

prismic sm --setup

This command will ask you to create a new prismic repository and configure your next project to work with your newly created prismic repository

This also added as a dependency a cool set of open source components to your project that you can see here : https://react-essential-slices.netlify.app/