compiled by:

Princess Oviawe

Product Designer

Email: [email protected]

Welcome! your UX journey starts here 👇🏽

UX Design is evolving rapidly, and so is the job market. New roles are being created and The need for more problem-solving designs is on the rise. This is a plan to help guide your journey to this field. The study here has been curated from several resources and is still been updated. But as a beginner, this should get you started.

Prerequisite(s): none (beginner friendly) Recommended Preparation: A PC, access to the internet, Passion for design, A cheer disposition!

PS: I'm compiling a list of courses and materials for intermediate learning you can find them here

Here's a syllabus you can follow.

<aside> 📢 For the topics not linked, do well to read the books suggested, they cover the topics in details.


📝Introduction to UX Design