2.27.0 | 2024-04-09

🚀 New Features and Improvements

🚀 New features

CVV recapture for saved cards

Within the Drop-In integration, you now have the ability to recapture CVV for saved cards. When the feature is enabled, users will be directed to a new screen where they can input the CVV related to the saved card. To activate this feature, please refer to our guide for detailed instructions on enabling this enhancement. You can find the guide here.

✨ Improvements

Please note, with this update, compatibility requires the use of the 1.4.2 version of the 3DS SDK (io.primer:3ds-android:1.4.2).

2.26.1 | 2024-04-05

🚀 New Features and Improvements

✨ Improvements

🔧 Fixes

2.26.0 | 2024-03-07