一年前的這個時候,我跟尼克開始了Podcast 製作。一年前的這個時候,我們決定錄製一系列有關職場面試的主題。今天我想來回顧一下這個非常重要也具有挑戰的技巧。我們也做了一些更新,提供大家更多的片語!

什麼是 STAR?

Situation  情景

Describe the event or situation that you were in. What happened?

Task  任務

Explain the task you had to complete. What were you asked to do?

Action 行動

Describe the specific action you took to complete the task. What did you do?

Result  結果

Close with the result of your effort. What was the result?


Tell me about a time you had to learn quickly?

Situation 實用片語

<aside> 📌 To quickly summarize what happened…


<aside> 📌 Here’s a quick overview of the situation...


<aside> 📌 For one particular project, ...


<aside> 📌 A few years ago, ...
