不管你在哪一個國家,每一個人都在看Olympics Tokyo 2020。當然這也成為一個非常自然的社交語言話題之一。但要如何表示你對賽事的感想呢?


在第89集中我們提到了如何將時事納入Small Talk中:

EP. 89 Small Talks 討論時事 (開啟話題 + 回應)


Vocabularies you have to know

<aside> 🏅 Gold medalist


<aside> 🏅 Silver medalist


<aside> 🏅 Bronze medalist


<aside> 🏅 Record setting


<aside> 🏅 Weight Division


<aside> 🏅 Spectators


Hot news / hot topics?

<aside> 🥈 Have you been following the Olympics?


<aside> 🥈 Did you see what happened in the men's diving competition?


<aside> 🥈 Did you know that this is the first time the Olympics have incorporated street skateboarding as one of the competitions?
