新年快樂!! 身為主管,一定要知道2024年labor market的趨勢,以及需要注意的部分。跟去年一樣,我們將分為兩個單元,分享2024年的改變,還有重要的溝通技巧優化你的職場人生。

What has changed from 2023 to 2024?

Who is hiring?

What’s happening in 2024?

Soft landing

When the Federal Reserve is concerned about inflation, it raises interest rates to slow the pace of economic growth. If the Fed raises interest rates a lot, it may cause a recession – known as a hard landing. However, if the Fed can raise interest rates just enough to slow the economy and reduce inflation without causing a recession, it has achieved what is known as a soft landing.

軟著陸(soft landing)和硬著陸(hard landing):軟著陸是指當整體經濟在經過一段強勁擴張期後,經濟仍持續成長,但不至於過熱而引發通貨膨脹,也不至陷入衰退。

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