雖然這是個溝通為主的頻道, 但我一直相信溝通就是人生, 每一個情緒影響這我們的溝通力. 今天, 帶給你一些心靈雞湯, Let’s take a more soulful approach with our communication today.

  1. I am exactly where I need to be as I begin this new year.
  2. I leave what no longer serves me in the past.
  3. I take my time to set mindful and meaningful intentions for this new year.
  4. I look inward to remind myself what I really want to do and how I want to spend my time this year.
  5. I promise myself love, patience, and kindness for this coming year.
  6. As well as looking forward into the new year, I pause and reflect on how far I have already come and how well I did to get here.
  7. This year, I choose to be led by my heart first, by my mind when it is calm, and by what brings me joy. (Serenity prayer)
  8. I already have the strength, resilience, and compassion to face this year's highs and lows.
  9. I will prioritise my rest, my peace of mind, and my healing every single day this year.
  10. Day by day, I am ready to welcome a little more light into my life this month.
  11. This month, I remove unnecessary noise from my life so I can listen to what my soul is telling me.
  12. Life is for living; that is why I spend time, energy and love on nurturing what makes me feel alive.
  13. I can let things go, when I need to.
  14. Healing is not always linear, nor does it always feel good, but it is always worth it.
  15. I always, always, always deserve to experience joy.
  16. There is no end destination on this self-love journey.
