You know what sucks? 在社交場合聽到講到了一笑話, 我就嘗試的將笑話記下來, 希望在公司跟同事分享. 但再說的時候 就是有點說不到那感覺. 那種尷尬的感覺, 我想大家可能都有經歷過. 但為什麼呢? Just why does the joke fall flat?

Delivery is more important than the joke itself

  1. Know exactly what you’re going to say
  2. Don’t rush it
  3. Be excited to tell it
  4. Don’t just recite the words
    1. get quieter to add suspense
    2. get louder give impact
  5. Act out the characters in your joke
  6. Pause before the punch line

Example Jokes:

Joke 1

There are two muffins sitting in an oven. One muffin looks at the other muffin and says: ”Does it feel hot in here to you?”

The other mufflin looks at him and says: ”AHHHHHHH….talking muffin!”

Joke 2

Two whales are in the ocean.

One whale looks at the other and says: make whale noises for like 10 seconds

The other whale looks at him and says: ”What the hell did you just say to me?”