聽到晶晶體, 你第一個想法是什麼呢? 很假, 很討人厭? 但你知道這其實就是所謂的 code switching, 而且是很自然的溝通現象。

晶晶體是我們用來指中英文混雜的現象。其實兩個或兩個以上的語言混用並不是台灣的特殊現象,而是普遍出現的社會現象。比較正式的說法是語碼轉換 (Code Switching) 和語碼混用 (Code Mixing),語碼轉換是指不同句子間的語言轉換,語碼混用則是在同一個句子裡轉換語言。


  1. 這個現象背後的原因 The underlying reasons behind the phenomenon
  2. 為什麼有些人講起來感覺很自然,有些人就會讓聽的人感到煩躁或尷尬,甚至難以理解呢?Why does some people make it naturally while some can embarrass or annoy their listeners?
  3. 常見的辦公室晶晶體如何用英文表達 How to translate the common 晶晶體 we use in office into complete English sentences?

Why people do Code Switching and Code Mixing

  1. Changing with social contexts (e.g. talking to your grandma, ABC friends, etc.)
  2. Some concepts or terms only appear in some certain cultures (e.g. happy hour/ baby shower/ e-mail)
  3. Doing with the intention of presenting a specific identity or creating a sense of superiority/authority.
  4. Used as a communication strategy due to the insufficient proficiency of one language △
  5. Creating humor by inconsistent and paradoxical language, often noticed in stand-up comedy △

晶晶體使用指南:怎麼 mix 才不會讓其他人聽得很煩
