職場使用幽默可以有效建立感情, 但用錯了, 卻需要很久的時間來修復。今天的單元就來學習影集Brooklyn Nine-Nine來有效使用職場幽默。

“Burn“(灼燒)是 “insult” 或是 “make fun of” 的另一種說法。

美國電視劇裡面一個非常受歡迎,而且裡面主角很會 “burn” 別人的,就是警局喜劇 Brooklyn Nine-Nine。



我們探討 “burn” 的時候有一個重點:don’t use it to hurt people!


千萬別用 burn 的手法來傷害別人!

就像 wedding crashers 裡面男主角給女主角的演講建議:取笑別人的時候,要挑很小的東西取笑,不然人家肯定會很介意。


Brooklyn Nine-Nine 的 Burn 手法:人物設定

Brooklyn 99 sets up their characters with certain “traits” that can be funny, but not too hurtful.

For instance:

Character Trait Jokes related to
Amy Santiago 乖乖牌/無趣 生活很無聊
Captain Holt 石頭人/沒情緒 永遠都面無表情
Commissioner Wuntch 邪惡 把她比喻成女巫
Rosa Diaz Tough, no soft spot 性格粗暴

Amy Santiago: title of your sex tape

They make fun of Amy as a no-fun, no-life, super serious person. So every time a phrase comes up that indicates no fun, lead character Jake says: “Ha, title of Amy’s next sex tape lol”

For instance, someone says “kind, sober, and fully-dressed”, and Jake goes:

“Kind, sober, and fully dressed. Good news everyone, we found the title of Santiago’s new sex tape!”

One time, Amy herself says to a colleague: “Sorry about tonight”