在這一個單元, 讓我們繼續討論如何利用對的問題, 讓我們跟老闆建立更互相信賴的關係。

Seek Growth Opportunities and Career Advancement

Come to the meeting with your thinking (however inchoate) around your professional short-term and long-term goals and ask your manager what steps you should take to get there.

  1. I would value your counsel. What can I do to prepare myself for greater opportunities or to pursue X interest of mine?
  2. As you reflect on where the organization is going, do you have any thoughts on how I should improve and develop to best align?
  3. What strengths do you think I have and how might they be helpful in the future?
  4. From your perspective, what should I be targeting as my next career move and why do you recommend that position?
  5. How can we make sure that my skillset is put to the best use to support the team and the organization?
  6. How can we make sure that my full potential is achieved?

Get Feedback on Your Performance

Check in with your manager to see how you are doing, performance-wise. You shouldn’t make every meeting into an official performance evaluation, but it is important to periodically check in and calibrate if your manager isn’t doing that themselves.

  1. Am I meeting your expectations? I would relish learning your perspective on my work performance.
  2. What feedback might you be able to share with me about how I’m doing at X or Y task?
  3. Do you feel I have any spots I’m overlooking when it comes to A or B?
  4. As you reflect on what I do at work, what should I start, stop, or continue doing?

Build a Relationship

Your 1:1 is a critical place for you to build and nurture your relationship with your manager. Allocate time at the beginning or end of the meeting to connect with your manager personally.

  1. How is your day going?
  2. How are things going for you overall? Are you doing ok?
  3. What is something you are excited about outside of work?