跟老闆1對1時難免會有些緊張。 但如何讓這個機會更有價值呢? 在接下來的兩集讓我們break down不同問題的目標跟好處。 Let’s dive in.

Part 1

Ask for Guidance and Input

  1. I am having some challenges and struggles with X. Can you help me think about how to navigate and address X successfully?
  2. Could you suggest any ideas and thoughts around how I could get more support (people, time, funding) to help with Y?
  3. What do you think of my idea Z? Do you have any suggestions for how to improve it? Or, might you have an alternative idea I should consider?

Clarify Priorities and Expectations

  1. Given what is on my plate, what should I be prioritizing right now, and can you help me understand why?
  2. As you review my workload, am I taking on the right projects and tasks?
  3. Am I on track for meeting my goals and your expectations from your perspective? Is any refocusing necessary?
  4. Is there any context I might be missing about the projects I am working on? For example, what is the reasoning for doing project X?****

Align with the Organization and Its Strategy

  1. What is going on further up the tree (or in other parts of the organization) that would be helpful for me to know as I work on my key tasks?
  2. To better help me understand the big picture, how does the work I’m doing or the assignment you just gave me fit into the broader goals and strategy?
  3. Is there anything that the management team is working on or considering that you think I should know about at present given its potential impact on my role?
  4. What is new in our strategic priorities as a company that you feel I should know about, if anything?


28 Questions to Ask Your Boss in Your One-on-Ones