我們都知道, 回答面試問題:你的優缺點? 並不容易。也有點.. tricky. 在之前的單元中, 我們分享了很多小技巧。但因為近期 Havard Business Report 發布了真對於這個問題的一篇文章, 就讓我們來擷取精華, 也分享我們的想法

What are the things we need to focus on? According to HBR:

1. Focus on a skill that is listed in the job description.

Job description

Ex. Value communication skills → public speaking/ 1 on

2. Describe the skill and make your strength as specific as possible

Here are a few examples of generic strengths with their more descriptive counterparts:

3. Talk about it in these 4 parts

Sample Answer #1:

“I know a lot of people are afraid of public speaking but I really like it, and often use my speaking experience to support team projects. For example, last week, I presented our new customer-service portal to a prospective client, and they signed up immediately. I also get a lot of personal fulfillment from helping my colleagues with their presentations.”