想要了解如何用英文聊最新的銀行業危機嗎? 在接下來的兩個單元想要來分享有關Banking Crisis所要具備的單字,以及必備的句型跟知識。


  1. Shore up the balance sheet 挽救公司的資產負債表
  2. Capital Injection 注資
    1. Raise capital 籌集資金
  3. Cease operation 停止營運
    1. Bank collapse 銀行倒閉
  4. Liquidate asset 清算資產
  5. Venture capital 創業投資
  6. Stock plummeted / tumbled 股票暴跌
  7. Regional bank 地區性銀行
  8. Arm = branch 部分部門
  9. Investors vs. Depositors 投資者 vs. 存款者
  10. G-SIB - Global Systemically Important Bank 全球系統重要性銀行
  11. Run on the bank 銀行擠兌,是存款人集中大量提取存款的行為

Part 1- What happened?

Credit suisse

A little bit about CS

  1. Founded in 1856 to finance the expansion of Swiss Railroads.

  2. Since them, it has acquired the following banks: