在國際商業市場中,除了文字與表現上的溝通外,“視覺”也是不可或缺的重要一環。從social media到powerpoint,不管你是否是設計師或在非設計的產業, visual都非常重要。 因此我們想要將這個主題加入 Executive Plus podcast, 讓我們的溝通更全面。


Once in a while, companies rebrand their well-known logo to accommodate market trend in effort to stay relevant. Some brands like Nike(Blue Ribbon Sports) went as far as changing its original name. Rebranding is a common practice and it usually indicates a new direction of a company.

小知識:serif? san-serif? 字體到底差在哪裡

Serif 歷史悠久的襯線字:特色是筆畫明顯粗細不一,且筆畫的開端與結尾會有突出的小尾巴 (新細明體)

Serif is the extending feature or tail at the end of strokes. Another key takeaway from serif fonts is the contrast between thick and thin strokes.

Sans-serif 近代崛起的非襯線字:筆畫粗細一致,筆畫也沒有突出的尾巴 (黑體)

There is no thick/thin transition in the body of sans-serif fonts. The letters are formed equally and there is no tail at the end of the strokes.

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Serifs originated from the first official Greek writings on stone and in Latin alphabet with inscriptional lettering—words carved into stone in Roman antiquity.

給人的感覺就在於serif 是以前流行的字體,看起來更古典/ 正式/ 經典/ 皇室,而sans-serif 則給人現代/簡約的感覺。



這一波黑體風潮中,英倫奢侈品牌 Burberry 也名列其中。將自己的字體改成粗黑體,並拋棄了使用幾十年的戰馬圖騰。

為什麼擁有百年歷史,甚至已經被跟貴族劃上等號的 Burberry 也想要拋棄自己原有的視覺風格,與他牌靠攏呢?

專門評析時尚創意產業的媒體TFR提出了有趣的論點: 品牌選用的字體,應跟品牌所推出的產品風格一致,而相較於富人過去非常講究的穿著習慣,澎澎裙/假髮/馬甲/手套/西裝等等,現代人穿得越來越休閒,尤其近幾年”Loungewear”正夯,一整套休閒運動裝或瑜伽裝儼然變成時尚的代名詞。

The typeface should also be in line with the art direction of collection and accessories. It’s worth noting that the dominance of sans-serif is due in part to the surge of casual wear. A lot of rebranding efforts from luxury brands are followed by the launch of casual wear. Burberry launched t-shirts with the ‘TB’ monogram pattern shortly after unveiling its new monogram.